Work Culture Club Programs

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Browse Our Range Of Programs To Cultivate A Healthy Workplace

Work Culture Club delivers training and workshops backed by science for leaders, managers and employees in the areas of change, mental wellbeing, stress and resilience.
They are delivered in a fun, interactive and sustainable way to create thriving cultures within the workplace. We bring you the latest cutting edge techniques to affect change, increase collaboration, creativity and ultimately productivity in your organisation and in your personal lives.

Our workshops are practical and participants go away with integrative resources to ensure long term success.

Dont leave your change to chance

Change Your Mind … Create New Results

Increase your personal and professional performance with this groundbreaking program based in Neuroscience and developed by Dr Joe Dispenza, world renown speaker, lecturer and New York times best selling author. He has developed a unique program for organizations interested in using neuroscientific principles to enhance employee productivity, creativity, and innovation. The result? Increased performance and business results.

Stress Resilience

This powerful interactive, experiential workshop helps participants learn how to manage negative stress. Information and practice of simple, practical , interactive fast tracked strategies and techniques from a variety of fields including: positive psychology, nutrition and wellbeing, mindfulness, breath work, meditation, EFT and other lifestyle strategies to help prevent and manage stress and increase your effectiveness at work and in life.

Mindfulness For Productivity

Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can help us upgrade our inner technology – the mind – to keep up with the demands of our increasingly complex world.
Performance and Productivity in the workplace is increased when staff are focused, able to listen and communicate effectively, are calmer and less reactive and thus become more efficient and generally get along with their co-workers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are your workshops different?

We are committed to promoting and delivering positive fun team cultures, which we believe is an important ingredient in all successful businesses.
The workshops are interactive and experiential rather than theoretical where people apply and experience the teaching to their personal situation within the workshop.
The teachings, models and tools are all based in solid science and top companies around the world have achieved great success by applying this work.

Who is Dr Joe Dispenza?

Dr. Joe Dispenza is an international lecturer, researcher, corporate consultant, educator and New York Times best-selling author. He has taught thousands of people, in more than 32 countries on six continents, how they can re-wire their brains and re-condition their bodies to make lasting changes.
He has given on-site lectures and workshops to organizations and corporations interested in using neuroscientific principles to boost employee creativity, morale, innovation, creativity, and more. This led to the development of his organizational training program, Change Your Mind…Create New Results

What is HeartMath?

“The HeartMath Institute empowers individuals, families, groups and organisations to enhance their life experiences using tools that enable them to better recognise and access their intuitive insight and heart intelligence.” 

How is ongoing success after the workshop maximised?

Integrative resources are provided to participants in a very structured way so they can review what was learned and then apply it into their lives.
Followup coaching is also organised according to the groups requirements to answer any questions and make sure they stay on track and achieve success..

How do you measure attendee satisfaction?

A post workshop survey is given to each participant and this can be shared with management either anonymously or not – with permission

It all sounds great but how much do the workshops cost?

To give you an idea smaller workshops are approximately $AUD 95 per person and the larger one is $AUD 800 per person.  But this will depend on many things such as group size, location etc.  We will be able to tailor a solution for your requirements. You tell us your circumstances group size, location and budget, and we will recommend a solution to meet your needs. Our commitment to you is to provide such a valuable experience that the benefits will far outweigh the cost of delivery.

What are your payment terms?

Payment is due before the start of our course. We do understand that there may be specific payment protocols in place for organisations such as payment after delivery has started or net 30 days from invoicing. If required, we can accept a a signed contract with amended payment timelines, in writing in advance of commencement of training.

Can I make changes to my bookings if plans change?

Yes, we can be flexible based on availability and notice. If things change, simply contact us.

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0417 856 586



Henley Beach, South Australia